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On The Goast Guard's 225th Birthday: They Just Keep On Doing Their Job

Years ago I had an Australian life boat captain tell me that when the weather got really bad he would prefer the row boat to the motor boat because "The boys would just keep pulling and pulling until they got the job done"
Here's an example from a couple weeks ago via Portland's KOIN-TV:

Coast Guard swimmer rescues 4 Oregon fishermen

A 27-year-old Coast Guard rescue swimmer swam 1,750 yards in 5-foot seas and 30 mph winds to rescue 4 people aboard a commercial fishing vessel Tuesday morning.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Darren Harrity from Jupiter, Florida pulled each of the fishermen more than 250 yards in 57 degree water, the Coast Guard said in a release. Once they reached shore, the 4 people were met by EMS.

Around 1:40 a.m., watchstanders received a report indicating the 52-foot commercial fishing vessel was taking on water and had lost power. The boat ran aground, at which time the crew put on survival suits and abandoned ship into a life raft.

Shortly before 3 a.m., Harrity was lowered into the water from a rescue helicopter. The MH-65 Dolphin helicopter reportedly experienced mechanical issues and was unable to complete additional hoists, Coast Guard officials said.

The aircrew remained on scene until Harrity swam each of the 4 fisherman to shore individually.
“This was a tremendous team effort that demonstrates the strength and importance of the Coast Guard’s rescue swimmer program,” Cmdr. Robert Workman said in a release. “Petty Officer Darren Harrity did a fantastic job pulling four fishermen, each in full survival suits, to shore through waves, surf and darkness.”...MORE
The article points out the distance the rescue swimmer covered is equivalent to the water portion of a triathlon.
The Blue Book says we’ve got to go out and it doesn’t say a damn thing about having to come back.
-Captain Patrick Etheridge, US Life Saving Service, one of the precursors, along with the Revenue Cutters, to the U.S. Goast Guard
Via Heavy, "Top Ten Best Quotes to Celebrate"

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