kaemfret.blogspot.com - Short hair as Duk Seon

Long hair in Ghana chocolate CF
Pann: Hyeri's long hair in chocolate CF
1. [+111, -14] I think she looks prettier as Duk Seon. She looks so pretty in Reply...
2. [+106, -11] She looked like Yura for a sec with long hair ㅋㅋ
3. [+104, -18] How does she have all of her eyes, nose, and lips in her tiny face...
4. [+46, -8] About to become her fan <3 So pretty

5. [+38, -7] She looks pretty with both hair styles... Duk Seon looked so cute when she did body language and befriended with the cashier ajusshi yesterday. So lovely ㅠㅠ

6. [+29, -3] Pretty Duk Seon <3 But why did they mess up her hair during Ring My Bell...
7. [+21, -1] I think Hyeri looks the best with short hair
8. [+18, -1] She even filmed Ghana chocolate CF? She's doing really well
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